
Indy director doing Voltron?

Max Makowski (nah, never heard of him either) might be pushing the buttons on the “Voltron” film, according to Latino Review.

The site reports, “sources tell me he’s actually a great choice. I honestly hope so and I at least give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I’m told he’s on every studio’s hot list these days because of some Sundance movie he made a few years ago about warring assassins called ONE LAST DANCE.”

In “One Last Dance”, a mysterious hitman known as “T,” who wants to retire from the criminal world, is summoned to take care of a man who has betrayed the gangster code.

Last week Relativity Media entered into negotiations with New Regency to finance and produce the film, though on a more moderate budget, utilizing cost-saving CGI techniques such as those used in 300.

Poltergeist has a director?

Not Quite Hollywood