
Interview : Kristina Anapau

After August this year, the name Kristina Anapau will become a lot more prominent. The Hawaiian born actress is one of the stars of "Madison", A story about a man’s personal struggle to victory in the 1971 Madison, Indiana hydro-plane regatta. The film co-stars Jim Caviezel and Jake Lloyd. CLINT MORRIS caught up with the blossoming star to talk about the new film.

"Madison" is getting good early buzz – but I hear it was completed quite a while ago, any reason why it got delayed?

Nothing exiting. It changed studios and is now being released by Artisan. Just a bunch of business deals taking too long from what I understand. That’s showbiz for ya.

How was it working with Jake Lloyd, considering he’d just come off "Star Wars" – any stories?

Jake is such a cool guy. A natural actor…kids are the best actors without question. Jake has absolutely no ego…his whole family was with him on location in Madison, Indiana. We had lots of big family dinners together. The Lloyds are the most unpretentious people you could ever meet, and they have raised their son to be a normal kid. All of their star wars stories were mainly about trying to survive in the desert heat!

How did you win your role?

I had to audition…A lot! As is usually the case in feature films.

Can you tell me a bit about your character in "Self Medicated"?

I play a 17 year-old girl, Nicole, who is best friends with this guy, Andrew, who gets sent away to one of those correctional institutions where the parents sign away custody to the institution…terrible stuff. I have my head screwed on straight, get good grades, don’t do drugs, etc. all in stark contrast to Andrew, who I am trying to help more than anything. Nicole is a very strong-minded girl and very mature for her age. Oh yeah, She’s also in love with him. At the end of the film the feeling is mutually expressed, and we become…more than friends. In a completely PG way, of course.

You started out in TV, how is film differing from TV?

TV is awesome cause it’s fast. I am always very prepared when I get to the set, so I appreciate being able to do my thing and get on with it. I get irritated when actors don’t come prepared, not knowing their lines or without any idea of what they want to get out of the scene(s) that day. So TV is great in that respect because it forces everyone to move at a rapid pace. Film, however, makes up in substance what it wastes in time. And that substance is eternal. When you make a film you are creating a work of art that will be around forever, hopefully. You can put your entire being, your entire soul into the process. It’s much more spiritual overall.

Has anyone been somewhat of a mentor for you?

So many people have had an important impact on my life. There is someone in particular who has done so much for and been so much to me. He as well as anyone who knows me personally knows who he is. There is nothing more important one human being can do for another than to offer your heart and knowledge to mentor them in any way you can. Los Angeles has a bad rep for being full of self-serving ego maniacs, when in actuality the entertainment business was founded on and depends upon people helping each other. I’m a very grateful for all the help I have received thus far, and hope I can help others to the same extent. Use my superpowers for good instead of evil when I am an entertainment mogul one day, you know?

You were born in Hawaii. I was talking to actor Jason Scott Lee recently he says he goes back there whenever he’s not filming – what about yourself?

That’s so weird because I just saw Jason when I was in Hawaii for Thanksgiving. I ran into him at an art sale up in Volcano. I believe he has a house up there. But back to your question, I do go back quite a bit and love it, but I also love being at my house near the beach in LA where I can be a hermit and not have to see everyone I ever knew growing up, which is what happens when I go back to Hawaii. It is an Island after all, very small town, everybody-knows-your-name type environment.

What’s your dream role?

At the moment, I am obsessed with the life and person of Elizabeth Empress of Austria. I just read a book called “Death by Fame” by Andrew Sinclair which is a recount of her life and times. She is a tragic figure who was fatally trapped in her life as a royal back in the 1800’s. I’d love to make a movie out of that book. I think I was her in a past life. My relation to and obsession about her is completely beyond anything I could explain here.

What’s next for you moviewise?

A monster movie. It’s an amazing, amazing project. It will be the biggest thing I have ever done. The details are still being worked out so I can’t say too much about it yet. I’ll keep you posted.

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