Is David Goyer doing The Flash?

Give it a couple of weeks and the trades should be reporting that David Goyer ["Blade Trinity"] will write and direct a feature film version of DC’s "The Flash" for Warner.

At the moment though, the screenwriter/director is staying mum, just in case those pesky Warner Bros snatch him, tie him up in the water tower and torture him with a 24-hr Snipes-a-thon.

The "Batman Begins" scribe didn’t confirm anything to IESB, but did drop enough hints to suggest he’s behind the fast-running fella’s first stint at theatres. When asked about "The Flash" he simply said "stay tuned", before revealing that he has signed on to write and direct a new film for Warner. That’s as much confirmation as we need, and enough to save him from a spankin’.

It looks like Goyer’s "Blade" bud Ryan Reynolds will be strapping on the skintight suit too. "I think Ryan Reynolds would be the perfect Flash, the perfect Wally West", Goyer says.

This could rock more than a cat in a cradle. Reynolds? perfect. Goyer? Say no more.

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