Is the Party Over for Ben Affleck?

NW Magazine reports a rumour that Paramount may have been eying Matt Damon to take over the Jack Ryan role [for “Red Rabbit”] from good bud, Ben Affleck. Could it possibly get any worse for Bennifer? He spoke to Sci Fi Wire about rumours that, well, he’s all washed up. "I’m finished, is that what you mean?" he asked with a laugh in an interview. "I think that’s a little bit more operatic than the truth of the situation." Affleck said Disney’s “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” was not canned because of negative publicity surrounding him and his much-talked-about relationship with singer/actress Jennifer Lopez, but rather concerned co-star Robert De Niro’s decision to leave the project. Affleck also pointed out that Disney has already signed him for another film. "very time that you do a movie, if it doesn’t work, it’s never a zero-sum game, but there is a certain thing where your name moves a few notches down the list, and maybe you have to hustle a little more to try and do something. And I mean, this town, in some ways, there are actors out there who haven’t been in a hit movie in seven years. So I don’t worry about it too much." Tom Clancy still seems to think Affleck’s playing Jack Ryan too, despite the Damon rumours.

Interview : Liv Tyler – The Return of the King

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