
Is the WB Keeping Angel after all?

Would the WB really do a total 180 and keep "Angel" on even at this last stage?


Here’s what was posted at a City of Angel forum.

"My friend flukie (inside info guy) has informed me that the WB has signed Angel up for a 6th season provided that the rating increase and the pleas to keep angel alive are massing over the 2 million mark so the WB will consider Angel to be its most important asset."

Apparently the guy is near pretty spot-on with everything attaining to "Angel" so there might be something in this. Or is there? Either way, it’s keeping that Save "Angel" fire burning.

Keep signing that petition fans.

Meantime, if you live in Australia, you might want to check out details for the new "Buffy Down Under" Convention to be held in Melbourne in July. James Marsters is the special guest. Details here

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