
Just what is Bewitched actually about?

Everybody under the sun by this point now knows that there is a big screen version of "Bewitched" coming next year, which stars Nicole Kidman as Samantha Stephens & Will Ferrell as Darrin Stephens, who both take over the characters originally played by Elizabeth Montgomery alongside both Dick York & Dick Sargent (the two Darrin’s).

What hasn’t really been discussed so far is what the film will actually center around.
Most fans have been under the impression that it will be a straight out modern day version of the TV series, but it seems as though there is a bit more to it than that…

Although neither Sony, nor Director Nora Ephron have commented, the new film apparently centers around two struggling actors (Ferrell & Kidman), who are given a last chance at fame with a modern day TV update of the original "Bewitched" series, the twist being that Isabel (Kidman) is actually a modern day witch.

A little bit too Charlie Kaufman for you? Yep, me too, but it’s not the first or last time that the film within a film concept has been used, and when it works well ("The Player") it’s pure gold, but when it fails ("Last Action Hero") it’s dismal.

I’ve got nothing but affection for the romantic comedies that Ephron has made in the past, so with a little luck, we can begin to put "The Stepford Wives" & "Birth" behind us, & enjoy seeing Nicole on the big screen again!

Will Ferrell always kicks ass, so there’s no need to comment there.

– Adam Weeks.

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