
Kevin Smith needs money

Our friends at Cinema Blend had filmmaker Kevin Smith on their podcast this week and managed to squeeze some juice out of the Jersey Guy concerning his future pics, namely “Red State” the still-unfinanced horror pic he’s been spruiking for a while.

Smith says the film is “decidedly non-commercial, it’s really fuckin bleak and dark, so bleak that it makes The Dark Knight look like Strawberry Shortcake. There’s no character to root for, everybody dies. It’s a series of insane, bad choices based on moral or immoral quandaries. Based on all that nobody wants to write a check for it and I kind of get it. I’m not sitting here going ‘What? Why wouldn’t you want to finance a loser?’”

“I don’t expect it to be a huge hit, but I do expect it to be a realf ilm festival type film that will travel awhile. The only way it ever does business theatrically is if there’s like some kind of water cooler chat about it based on the festival showings. For some reason the fact that everybody’s kind of, put off by it, and nobody seems to be put off by the story or the writing or the characters, they’re just like ‘there’s no audience for this movie.’ Like, nobody wants to see a movie this dark.”

Click here for the entire podcast!

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