
Kosinski aboard Twilight Zone; ideally won’t encompass a Flynn plot

We’ve been waiting for this new “Twilight Zone” movie for about as long as, well, we’ve been waiting for that “TRON Legacy” sequel.

As Meatloaf sang, “Guess one of those bloody things coming to fruition.. ain’t bad.”

Director Joseph Kosinski, the guy who will bring us the next installment in the “TRON” series, should it ever get up, has agreed to direct Warner’s “Twilight Zone : The Movie”.

The filmmaker, whose keen idea for detail has made him a hot favourite with Hollywood blockbuster producers, takes on a project once eyeballed by “Cloverfield” director Matt Reeves.

According to The Wrap, Kosinski is ready and raring to get going on the film – the second “Twilight Zone” movie following the 1983 one starring John Lithgow and Vic Morrow – with Leonardo DiCaprio still set to produce and the script by Jason Rothenberg, Anthony Peckham and Joby Harold signed-off on by all involved.

Kosinski’s last movie was Universal’s spiffy-looking “Oblivion”, starring Tom Cruise, so the production has their “in” with Jerry Maguire should they need a big star to headline “Twilight Zone”. At the same time, Kosinski would also have Jeff Bridges on speed-dial too. And, of course, Leo is producing. No shortage of possibilities there cast-wise.

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