
Lambert and Ashby talk Mortal Kombat 3

There’s been a lot of talk about "Mortal Kombat 3" over the last year or so, but most of it has been pure speculation or anything but an indication that the second sequel in the game to film series has got the greenlight.

Coming Soon has an update on the film today though, saying that both Christopher Lambert and Linden Ashby are signed to do it. Lambert apparently mentions on his official site that he’s signed to reprise his role as Rayden (as well as do a fifth "Highlander" film), whilst Ashby tells TV Guide that he’s "been talking to the producers for the past month or so pretty intensely, and they say we are set to go. I’ll be reprising my role as Johnny Cage. It’s supposed to start shooting this summer."

Ironically, both Lambert and Ashby didn’t do "Mortal Kombat 2". Could "Mortal Kombat 3" really be any better or are both really that desperarte for a bit of bank?

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