
Lloyd Dobler’s Shanghai Surprise

John Cusack isn’t remaking Madonna movie, don’t worry!

There’s such a lack of news to report from Hollywoodlandvilledom that I believe Clint’s seriously considering launching his new site – it isn’t what you think; his wife tells me it’s a site about tree branches that get caught in river currants – early.

That’d be a joke. One not even Bob Goldthwait would laugh at. Maybe I should just report the news instead of trying to be funny – – – should I leave that to Clint? He seems to have the natural ability to offend people in the sweetest of ways, doesn’t he?

Anyway, I’m here doing the news. And man, it’s hard to FIND any news! Anyone got a wedding they want to announce? what about someone losing their cherry? we’d probably report it! nothing from Tinseltown going on it seems…

There is one bit of news… and it’s about the great John Cusack, so I don’t think the boss man will mind me using a bit of space to report on it (I believe Clint has a man-crush on Cusack… and, in particular, “Say Anything…”). Seems the ever so well dressed artiste is in talks to star opposite Gong Li (“Miami Vice”) in a period drama called “Shanghai”, which Cusack’s “1408” director Mikael Hoffman is helming for Bob and Harvey W.

Cusack is in talks to play an American who returns to a corrupt, Japanese-occupied Shanghai four months before Pearl Harbor and discovers his friend has been killed. While he unravels the mysteries of the death, he falls in love and discovers a much larger secret that his own government is hiding.

Variety informs us that John Madden was originally going to direct this one in 2001 as a follow-up to his Oscar winning “Shakespeare in Love”. Even back then, Harvey Weinstein was just as keen to make the flick and he’s obvious still very much in luv with said flick.

This is all well and good, and I’m sure it’d be a nice flick for Cusack, but dude… where’s that “Grosse Pointe Blank” sequel you apparently wanted to get going? C’Mon! One for You, One for Us… ya know?

X-Men spin-off’s direct to DVD?

See Heath Ledger as The Joker!