
Lovely gig for a Soprano

Another addition to Peter Jackson’s “Lovely Bones”

Tony Soprano’s nephew has been re-assigned to New Zealand.

Michael Imperioli, who played Christopher on TV hit “The Sopranos”, is joining the cast of Peter Jackson’s “The Lovely Bones”.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, ” the actor joins Rachel Weisz, Ryan Gosling, Susan Sarandon, Stanley Tucci and newcomer Saoirse Ronan in the big-screen version of Alice Sebold’s best-seller. The story centers on a young girl who is murdered but continues to observe her family on Earth after her death. She witnesses the impact of her demise on her loved ones, while her killer skillfully covers his tracks and prepares to murder again.

Imperioli will play Len Fenerman, the detective in charge of investigating the girl’s death.

Four times a Swamp Thing

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