
Making sense of the Angel rumours

According to Aint it Cool, news about "Angel" moving to NBC might have been a bit premature. The site contacted an anonymous source who shed some light on the situation. “I wish it were true, but it’s a steaming pile of BS. The sets have been struck, the writers are on new shows, etc. Joss is very focused on SERENITY which starts shooting in three weeks.”

There is good news though. James Marsters recently told reporters that that he could be spraying the hair white again for a ‘Spike’ Spin-off. We heard from a reliable source overnight who backed up this one.

“It’s about the only thing that’s likely to happen at this stage. Marsters is pretty keen to keep on being Spike. You can’t blame, it’s a cool character. They’re looking at shaping the telemovies around him, only because Boreanaz isn’t that interested, not because Spike’s the more appealing option.”

According to ‘Tabasco’, the telemovie might happen before the end of the year – but not as early as September as previously rumoured. “Best case scenario for everyone: telemovies go off, Spike gets a series. Whedon’s taking a break at the moment though, so don’t expect anything official for a couple of months”.

Meanwhile, J.August Richards [‘Gunn’] is testing for a plum role movie role, according to his official site.

Big G’day to the gang at SaveAngel.Org by the way, you’ve done a top job. And thanks to ‘Simon’ for the note.

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Boreanaz not so open to playing Angel again