Mandy’s Top 5 Other great music moments in movies

When the right music is matched with the right scene it can be a beautiful cinematic experience, something Quentin Tarantino and Cameron Crowe have made a career out of.

But sometimes a scene like this can sneak up on you. It could be a terrible movie. It could be a complete tonal shift. But they just start singing or dancing, and for a a few minutes the whole movie lifts to a fun place.

So here are my top 5 moments from movies that achieve this. There are no cult favourites, so as much as Ferris Bueller singing Twist and Shout, The Dude tripping to Just Dropped In, and the ”Shaun of the Dead” crew fighting zombies to Don’t Stop Me Now are amazing scenes, they are not on here. There are no musicals, no fight scenes. These are the other great music moments in movies.

5. In and Out – I Will Survive

In a somewhat light weight and forgettable film, with major denial taking place on Kevin Kline’s side, this scene finds him trying to “explore his masculinity”. He tries so hard, but when he finally gives in, and starts dancing in the door way, you can’t help but feel so happy for him.

4. Anchorman – Afternoon Delight

If you were on the fence as to the classic status of ”Anchorman”, watching the news station quartet spontaneously breaking into song to help them understand love, will seal it for you.

3. 500 Days of Summer – You Make My Dreams

From the reflection of Han Solo in the glass to the animated blue bird landing on Joseph Gordon Levitt’s shoulder, this scene is the perfect nod to the equivalent of the Happy Dance.

2. 10 Things I Hate About You – Can’t Take My Eyes off of You

This scene really should not have worked. It should have been corny, and cringeworthy, and in any other movie and with anyone besides Heath Ledger playing it, it probably would have. This was the moment I think many people realised Heath was a star in the making, as he oozes charm and cool dancing on the bleachers and getting chased by security guards in his efforts to impress a girl.

1. Flashbacks of a Fool – If There Is Something

A disjointed and widely ignored Daniel Craig vehicle, this takes the number one spot because it is hypnotising to watch. It strikes a chord for those who loved to dress up as rock stars when they were young, performing for an invisible audience, and makes use of a forgotten Roxy Music classic. Felicity Jones is also just very gorgeous.

Fincher shooting Girl Who Played with Fire and Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest back-to-back
