
Megamind Clippage!

We caught up with the stars of “Megamind” – the always gracious Will Ferrell, among them – this week in Los Angeles, and look forward to running those and telling you all about the film, but to hold you over here are some newly-released clips from the terrific family treat.

When super villain Megamind (Ferrell) defeats his archrival Metro Man (Pitt), the world should be his oyster. But instead, Megamind falls into total despair. It turns out that life without a rival is life without a point for him. So, he creates a new superhero rival, Titan (Hill). Unfortunately, the new hero wants to be a super villain, too. Caught in the middle, star reporter Roxanne Ritchi (Fey) asks the tough questions: Who can we turn to? Who has what it takes to stand up to this menace? Who will defend the innocent? Megamind! That’s who.

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