
Mel Gibson takes on Balboa

No, not the Italian Stallion

More details have been unearthed – along with John Travolta’s real hair – at the Daily Express about ‘Mad’ Mel Gibson’s next pic.

The film he’s in Costa Rica scouting locations for is “an epic about the Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez De Balboa.”

A quick google and we discover De Balboa was “a Spanish explorer, governor, and conquistador. He traveled to the New World in 1500 and, after some exploration, settled on the island of Hispaniola. He founded the settlement of Santa María la Antigua del Darién in present-day Panama in 1510, the first permanent European settlement on the mainland of the Americas (a settlement by Alonso de Ojeda at San Sebastián de Urabá the previous year had already been abandoned). He crossed the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Ocean in 1513, becoming the first European to lead an expedition known to have seen or reached the Pacific from the New World.”

Gibson, whose not going to appear in this thing just direct it, hasn’t got any acting projects lined up (despite what IMDB says; according to them he’s attached to the motorcycle gang movie “Under and Alone”, as well as the Dick Donner directed “Sam and George”) in the foreseeable future.

Thanks to ‘Chris Lindsay’

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