
Michelle Pfeiffer has Personal Effects on us all

A new drama to co-star Ashton Kutcher

Michelle Pfeiffer is on a real comeback roll – I’d like to be the meat in that roll, I’ll tell ya – at the moment, what with her bravura turns in “Hairspray” and “Stardust” (She’s even quite good in “I could never be your woman” but it’s doubtful that’ll ever be seen by a crowd any bigger than that of a a school fete), and she’s just snagged herself another plum part.

She’ll play the lead in writer/director David Hollander’s “Personal Effects”, based on a novella about two strangers, Linda and Walter, who have both lost family members to murder. Their respective court cases bring them together.

Linda has a deaf son, who’s become increasingly troubled since his dad was murdered, but it’s Walter who helps him out – teaching him how to wrestle, and therefore funnelling his anger through sport.

I believe Ashton Kutcher has been cast as Walter, which is a nice score for him.

This could turn out OK.

Interview : Greg McLean and Michael Vartan

Caffeinated Clint – 6/11/07