Milla Jovovich is Cymberline’s Resident Regal

Milla Jovovich will follow up “Resident Evil : Who Cares?” with another Shakespeare-influenced film, “Cymberline”.

This is the contemporary-version of the bard classic, with Ethan Hawke, Ed Harris and Penn Bagdley starring.

Deadline says Jovovich, going it out alone without hubby Paul W.S Anderson for a change, will play ‘The Queen’ in the movie.

In the play, the Queen schemes to move her own son from a previous marriage onto the throne at the expense of the orphan Posthumus and the King’s daughter. Badgley will play Posthumus in the new version of Cymbeline.

Jovovich next appears… On Twitter, firing back at my snarky opening line.

Gibson, Banderas confirmed for Expendables 3

Masters of Sex trailer. Assuming there’ll be an Olivia Marne cameo.