
Moviehole Mailbag – 28/5/09

“Terminator Salvation” seems to be the topic of the week. Let’s get this done quickly, I’m on the edge of my seat… my brother and his wife are about to give birth any minute now… or that’s the plan anyway.

Question: Hey Clint, I gotta agree with you – “Terminator Salvation” was very, very disappointing. I didn’t feel even remotely moved by the film. And was there even a story!? It was just a mess. It set itself up and then raced for the finish line. And yeah, it had OK action sequences, but they were boring. I frankly didn’t care who that giant Transformer picked up and swallowed. I can’t understand why Christian Bale would even do the film? “Wolverine” looks like a masterpiece next to this, even with the plastic claws! – Pete
Caffeinated Clint: I’m actually revising my “Rocky 5” review as we speak….

Question: God I hated “T4”. You nailed it on the head – it had no heart, no movement, no direction, and characters just came in and out of it with no purpose. Like you, I liked Anton Yelchin, but ultimately thought he was wasted. They spent too much time on Connor – the character who was the least interesting. This one is going to really hurt Christian Bale- Bazz
Caffeinated Clint: I can’t help but think the lighting guy is chuckling heavily right now.

Question: Where was Terry Crews in “Terminator Salvation”?… – Andrew
Caffeinated Clint: You can see him (briefly) at the start of the film. His character – a resistance fighter; the brother of Common’s character – is lying dead next to the plane. McG trimmed the start of the film and as a consequence Crew’s character was lost. He apparently had a bit of a converse with John Connor (asking him whether he was “THE John Connor?” and all that jazz) as they entered the foxhole. McG probably did us a favour by cutting it – the one thing that film didn’t need is… well, more.

Question: ‘’The Terminator” movies were never that strong story-wise, but they were at least fun, entertaining movies that did have somewhat of an interesting plot driving them. I think you’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone outside of a dopey twelve-year-old who enjoyed it. There’s nothing even remotely interesting happening in “Salvation” – originally I heard there would be – Samuel
Caffeinated Clint: You’re not the only one who missed the Moon Bloodgood tit shot mate. Wait for the DVD.

Question: Personally, I don’t get what is so horrible about the movie. No, it is not The Green Mile. No, it is not Titanic. So stop acting like it should be. It is what it is. A terminator sequel. No Tom Hanks or Leo Dicaprio here. You critics need to pull your heads out of your asses and realize that every film out there is not going to make you sigh in wonderment at it’s heart and soul and realize that some movies are just plain fuckin’ fun. Terminator Salvation was just plain fuckin’ fun for me. No, it did not have oscar worthy performances or writing, but if you and every other critic out there wanna whine about how horrible it was, why didn’t you direct it in the first place. For God’s sake just stop acting like it is shit unless it changes the way you live your life or some art house film shit like that. IT IS A SCI FI ACTION FILM AND WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE MORE!- – Michael
Caffeinated Clint: … how are you able to type and also flog yourself to the snake-quicksand scene in “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” at the same time? Man, that’s a fucking talent!

Question: The Terminator movies are meant to be more than just junky effects and cheesy jokes. Damn you McG! – – Harrison
Caffeinated Clint: Not according to Michael (above), who thinks I should probably direct the next one. In all seriousness, I don’t think the weight of the blame should lay on McG, but the writers – they should never have been hired in the first place. They clearly don’t know the world Cameron created – and wouldn’t know a TX if it crawled up out of their ass and bit down on their squat dicks – and have mistakenly been informed that all blockbusters aspire to be “War of the Worlds 2 : The Next Wave”.

Question: I would like to know if they are4 going to make “Serenity 2”? – Chris
Caffeinated Clint: So would Joss Whedon.

Question: I’m trying to enter page 44 for the find “the mascot” but I’m unable to do so? Thanks– Claudio
Caffeinated Clint: If you go to page 43, you might spot him too. (I don’t know what the fuck this guy is talking about!?)

Question: I think that ‘’Terminator Salvation’’ may pick up a bit of steam when it’s released in other territories, like here in Australia. Then there are the DVD sales to take into consideration as to whether or not this will ultimately be labelled a complete flop.
I was thinking the other day that we are too spoilt with how easily information about a film is accessed with the internet before even seeing the full film. There have been many movies that ended up being great because I didn’t have any expectations going in, maybe others need to do the same for some films – Rod
Caffeinated Clint: Agree; my motto is “always walking into a cinema with an open mind, not an open zipper”.

Question: this is chris who can I fine to Donate the terminator to my home musum I need 100 of thim I need T600 T800 TX mini hunters I need thim to be fullsize – Chris
Caffeinated Clint: What are you smokin’ Connor!?

Question : Hey Clint, love the site mate and loved today’s article about Hollywood and all the re-everything with movies. Where do you see Hollywood heading with this? I’m just worried we wont see any more genre defining cinema the likes of Terminator, Star Wars, Citizen Kane, Gone with the Wind et al. Cheers mate and keep up the good work! – Liam
Caffeinated Clint: I think it’s a bit like cruising down the Yarra – you’re likely to run into some shit, but there’ll still be nice spots. I think the problem is is that people aren’t interested in seeing those gold, solid films because they’ve been told by their peers/mainstreammedia/Kyle&Jackie-O that junky popcorn movies are the only way to go. And as a consequence, we’re seeing less and less original, quality productions and more of the same. But please, if you do get a chance, check out Rian Johnson’s amazing new film “The Brother’s Bloom” – if you want to watch a genre-defining film, this’ll be right up your alley.

Question: Clint. Cool site. Visit often. New Star Trek: grade of C. Look quick and it’ll fool you. I’ve seen it twice and it’s got plot holes you could drive a truck thru. And you said it was fresh and new? Hmm.. Nemesis featured a rouge Romulan with a superweapon and a secret history on Picard who was out for revenge and headed toward Earth. New Trek featured a rouge Romulan with a superweapon and a secret on Spock who was out for revenge and headed toward Earth. I LOVE Trek (grew up with the original, seen all the incarnations), but we’ve seen this shit SO many times! It was louder, with better CGI, but it’s been done. Trek is not Star Wars. Trek was a cerebral TV show and just doesn’t translate well to the movie screen. It was characters first, then action. This movie has reversed it. The plot holes..? Get back to me. I’d love to tell you about them – Duff
Caffeinated Clint: You’ll have to give me a few days, I’m only quarter-way through hearing about the “Terminator” gaffes from another reader.

Question: Just wondering if you know anything about the release of the movie Trick R Treat. I thought the movie looked really good.– Adam
Caffeinated Clint: Apparently it’ll be out on DVD and Blu-Ray in October. And yes, I hear it’s funner than waxing Winslet.

Question: What’s the latest on “Fanboys 2”? It’s set in Australia, right? so would it film there? – DarthMonk
Caffeinated Clint: Let’s ask director Kyle Newman. ‘’I would like that. That’s a road trip. Part of the movie would be shot there – the second half of the third act.’’ But, of course, In order for the movie to happen, the Weinstein’s would have to agree to it. ‘’But you never know, there’s probably a way around it’’, Newman says.

Question: Thanks for giving so much love to “Fanboys”! The creators must be stoked to have read that review – Dean
Caffeinated Clint: The things we do for a stormtrooper lunchbox, hey!? (But no, I did love it – so much I’m rashing up)

Question: Why did you dump Tara Reid from “American Pie : Book of Love”? – Joanne
Caffeinated Clint: Two words : VD. (Why did I dump her from the film? Am I listed as the director on IMDB!?)

Question: What’s next for David Hasselhoff? – Derek
Caffeinated Clint: Scotch.

Question: I just heard the site mentioned on a New York radio station. – Kristy
Caffeinated Clint: Probably an ad for Starbucks. I’m their celebrity endorser.

Question : Is that new Peter Helliar movie, “I Love You Too” going to be good? – Joe
Caffeinated Clint : With legs like these it can do no wrong.

OMG! What happened to the trailers section? XOXO – Diane
Caffeinated Clint : We’re currently revamping the trailers section. Meantime, there’s plenty of Gossip Girl clips you can access at YouTube. And did you SEE what Bree did this week!? NO SHE DIDN’T!!? (I have no idea what I’m talking about – I don’t even watch the show, but that was my best impersonation of a 14-year-old schoolgirl).


de Bont exits Point Break : Indo?