
Moviehole Mailbag – 30/4/09

God this Bacon-Bug thing is scary isn’t it?! What I want to know is, is Danny Boyle behind the whole thing!?

Question: Hey Clint and co, Looking forward to reading what you guys thought of ‘’Wolverine’’. Saw it last night at Melb Central, and was sadly underwhelmed. When I say that I think X3 was a more satisfying experience, that sums it up…! Anyway, cheers! – Paul
Caffeinated Clint: I haven’t actually caught it yet myself. The screening was on Monday morning, at which time I was screening my own film for a distributor (one which might be an even easier sell if we had the cast of “Wolverine”), so didn’t get there. Drew did though, and we will have his review up later today.

Question: I think ‘’Clueless 2’’ is pretty pointless. ‘’Clueless’’ is a wonderful little classic from 1995. It should stay that way. It wasn’t as much a product of it’s time, as it was so much a product ABOUT it’s time. It jumped on the lingo of the time which is what made so much of the movie. It was showing off how some talked and acted and dressed in those times. It was as much a part of the movie, and what made it, as the wonderful actors. The characters obviously wouldn’t be talking that way today(in their 30’s), which would dilute a lot of the color and charm of the film and characters, and if they were, it would be strange and irrelevant. It’s a no win situation to me that I can\’t see satisfying the young kids of yesteryear or new kids today. It should be left alone indefinitely – Barry
Caffeinated Clint:Yeah, agree, but Alicia would look hot in a tiny mini-skirt, right?

Question: Totally agree with your review of ‘’Caprica’’. Really excited to see it as a series, will it have the same cast? Only problem that I can see is the child-cylon, somehow it worked (if you think about it it should of been comical), but I do hope they are smart and don’t have the robot go through “teen issues”, in fact I hope there isn’t too much involvement with that character at all. One other question, when does the BSG: The Plan get released? Oh, well done on the whole Wolverine thing, I cant understand why anyone would want to see a movie like that on a small screen over a cinema… – Alex
Caffeinated Clint: No date for “The Plan” yet, but can tell you that the same cast is indeed being rounded up for “Caprica” the series. I don’t think you’ve got to worry about the show turning into “The OC” – from what I’ve heard, the series scripts are stellar. And good to see someone agrees with me on the Piracy thing – a couple have attacked me for being way too defensive of the studio, saying, essentially that piracy is good, and anything the hurts a studio is a good thing. I guess one reason why I’m so defensive about the whole thing is because I produce movies myself, and I’d hate to see someone selling those out the front of a petrol station or at a computer market. That’s money out of my – or my daughter’s – pocket. Filmmakers don’t get into the business to make movies so that online haunts can supply them for Pirates. It mightn’t hurt Fox itself too much, financially-speaking, but there’s a lot of other people that worked on the film who might notice their royalty cheques are slightly smaller than what they would’ve been had the film not being so readily available to download for free on the net. These people worked their ass-off on the movie, and pretty much live from job to job; I know a couple of people that fit that description, and they were very fuckin’ depressed when the film leaked earlier. But also, we’re going to be seeing less-and-less movies – yes, less and less superhero movies – if pirates are the only one making money off “Wolverine”, so at the end of the day, it hurts us all.

Question: hey clint holden now heres another remake in 2012 there going to have a remake of the crow they do not have writer yet but i think they should get tim burton to do it i think he pull off the crow remake tho any way lets if they really good actor to play that part later clint that be something – Holden
Caffeinated Clint: They’re remaking “2012” already!? Even before the original has come out?! Wow! Things are just going from bad to worse…

Question: hey clint holden any way i heard that evil dead 4 is still going happen a while back sam raimi was talking about the future of evil dead trilogy how he was going to do 4 and then remake the hole trilogy in the near future any way i hope number 4 does happen later clint evil dead 4 out 2012 – – Holden

Caffeinated Clint: What was the name of that Denzel Washington time-travel thriller? Oh yeah, “Déjà vu”.

Question: hey clint holden any way i have big news that there going make a big screen movie of knight rider and will go back to the old tv show and transam will return and it comes out in theaters 2010 any way i thought let you know later clint do you think thats true i hope- – Holden

Caffeinated Clint: That is BIG news, so big I can’t even find it on, er, Is that like

Question: RE: Damon could have been Kirk. I find it rather annoying that Abrams considers his cast to be unknowns, and considering Chris Pine of ‘’Smokin’ Aces’’ and that Lindsey Lohan movie that American Airlines made me watch on my flight from St. Louis when they forced me to watch isn’t an unknown. But how can he call John Cho, Zachary Quinto, Anton Yelchin, Zoe Saldana, Eric Bana, Winona Ryder, Karl Urban, Diora Baird, Bruce Greenwood or Clifton Collins Jr. unknowns? They have made more movies than he has, lol. Can they really be an unknown if they’ve starred in movies or TV shows that millions have seen? They might not be relative huge stars but the point is every single person in this movie I’ve seen in lots of other things. Even the average Joe who doesn’t know there name will immediately be able to tell you “Spock is Syler” maybe this will make people remember their names easier but I just think it’s unfair to call all these actors unknowns. Anyways that’s just my $.02. – Wyldeman45
Caffeinated Clint: Who is Winona Ryder? Is that the girl who steals clothes?

Question: No You, GO fuck yaself mat! – Anton
Caffeinated Clint: No you Go fuck YAself mat!

Question: Did you hear that Tupac is alive?. – Scott
Caffeinated Clint: Did you hear that the western genre is too?.

Question: I have a really cool scoop about Batman 3. It’s very good. And I think you’ll like it. – Carter
Caffeinated Clint: Wow! I didn’t just ‘like it’, I ‘loved it’!

Question: How darez you say Delinquens is so bad it be good… you may be ashamed of yourself- Dana
Caffeinated Clint: I may be, but I’m not. Enjoy therapy.

Question: Can I audition for a zombie in “Condition Dead 3D”? I am sexy!- Josie
Caffeinated Clint
: Maybe, I know a few guys on the production who might be up for putting a bit of Cream on your face…

Question: What’s Corey Feldman up to at the moment? – Harriet
Caffeinated Clint
: Right now?! As we speak!? Um, eating a slice of toast I think. If you’re talking about films, he’s gearing up for a third “Lost Boys” movie.

Question: I have been thinking about doing a website on home video releases, but I’m told that most of running a website is just sucking up film studios asses and kissing butt?- Helo
Caffeinated Clint
: Nah, not at all – hang on, just gonna remove my lips from Horn’s ass..

Question: Do you have Kerri Green’s Phone Number? – Dave
Caffeinated Clint
: No, but I have Gary Busey’s – will that do?

Question: Any idea what’s going on with “Point Break : Indo”? It’s been a while. – Desiree
Caffeinated Clint
: Wish I knew. Thought it would be before the cameras by now. It’s been a while since Damien Walshe-Howling was announced as the villain, and Rick Otto was announced as the hero. If anyone has any info on it, please write in!

Question: Why did Tara Reid leave “American Pie”? – Dean
Caffeinated Clint
: Because it turned out it was sugar that was in the bowls on the catering table!

Question: What’s the chick from “Chuck” like? Was she nice? – Dean
Caffeinated Clint
: Skin as soft as a dove

Goonies cast talk sequel

Bruce Willis weighing options