
Moviehole Mailbag – 4/12/08

‘Ramius’ does his first Mailbag! and flames quite a few!

Your pressing questions answered by Ramius!

Ramius here, filling in for Clint, who, as we all know is “working in the movies” like all good webmasters ultimately do. He’s promised to bring me back a half-eaten croissant from catering.

This is you with “Justice League” casting…”Jessica Biel is Wonder Woman!” then “Megan Gale is Wonder Woman!”… “Yeah, we here in Australia knew this all along”…whatever. You’re such a whore for the supposed scoop you take whatever comes along. Then you complain that internet movie sites aren’t taken as seriously. Any wonder why? You’re all so gullible. – Naomi

Adam: I wish some of you nuts would do your research before you waste everyone’s time by sending insulting emails. As everyone knows, Jessica Biel was originally offered the role in “Wonder Woman” – you can read about it here in Variety – but the deal collapsed at the last minute, pathing the way for Ms Gale to take on the role. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about… so we’re shouting you a slice of humble pie. Here’s some cream to go with. Now go get yourself a shag… but use contraception, the last thing we need is another one of you running around. And by the way, if ANYONE knows what’s going on with “Justice League” it’s Clint – he not only worked at Warner for a while, but he knows people in the cast! Merry Syphilous, Jackass.

Clint, I saw the story you had up about the “X-Files” sequel sides. Don’t apologise to those freaky “X-Files” fans, how were you to know that the sides were dummy sides with plotlines from the TV show?! No doubt you were out drinking and getting cosy with women when all those pimply-faced chess-playing uber-nerds were flogging it to some three-titted alien on “X-Files”. It was a simple mistake. Fuck ‘em – Harrison

Ramius : Right on brother. I agree. Clint never watched the show, so how was he to know that the sides were merely old “X-Files” episode plots with the names of the characters changed. He did his job… he reported on the “X-Files” sequel sides, and that’s exactly what they were. Maybe some of them should hook up with Naomi?

Hey Clint, Love the site man. Your “Caffeinated Clint” is getting funnier by the minute. I totally agree with the Lindsay Lohan comments…. – holden

Ramius : Yeah she’s gone from blowing it to…. Blowing “it”.

You’re launching a new Moviehole? – Jack

Ramius : Yes, very soon. I believe Clint and Pete are even working nights – when the AB King Pro commercials are on! – on it!

Whatever happened to the “Weeksly Late Edition”? – Tina

Ramius : Good question, I’ll have to ask Clint myself. Adam doesn’t seem to be around much this year… don’t tell me he’s gone and got himself a life!! I’m so jealous… why can’t I get one of those?! (Weeksy’s Note: Half true brother, I got a wife. Basic answer is, even though I love doing it, and definite motions are in place to get it back to a regular edition – this year has been a very big one for me in many ways, and it’s prevented me from writing as much as I would like to. Don’t get me wrong, I love hearing from all you guys & gals and I miss you horribly when I’m not around, especially my best bud Holden – 11 Myspace messages in two days and counting – After my annual Top 10 Film & TV list next fortnight, we’ll be back to our regular programming – but until then, fuck The AMPTP!)

Your “X-Files” sequel sides not from movie but from show. I know. I see every episode. I kill you and your family if you do this again. I hate you. And those not like X-Files. You respect FBI more. You should Skinner. I rape pets if continue. – Franco

Ramius : I knew the writer’s were on strike… I didn’t know the wardens at the mental hospital were too.

Clint, where do these people get off? How dare they “threaten” you over a non-“X-Files” story. I don’t get people… they come here for rumours and hearsay do they not, if they want 100% factual news… tell them to bookmark the BBC webpage! – David

Ramius – Even before I started writing for this site, I read it religiously, and I still believe Clint is one of the most honest and most reliable sources of news information out there. But, if something doesn’t pan out.. or a rumour is debunked… you don’t have a right to complain in my opinion because we are all in the business of running “movie news AND RUMOURS”. If you don’t like hearing what the latest movie RUMOURS are you can….. go fuck your cousin again.

I read about the new movie, Congrats! Never knew you were a film producer, too! – John

Ramius : Yeah, don’t it suck. He couldn’t talk to me the other day because he had “Eric Stoltz on the line”. Ya know …. If I had wings, and Daphne Zuniga as a girlfriend, I could’ve played The Fly too! No in all seriousness, Clint has done wickedly well for himself. Nobody deserves it more than him. He’s a super nice guy. He doesn’t even need to do this website anymore… he has like 5 “real” jobs… but he still does it, because he knows he has a large legion of readers out there, and he thinks you all enjoy it. I don’t think people realise that he doesn’t do this website for “a living” or a “job”, and nor does he do it for the money. What’s also good is he is still the “main voice” of the website – whereas another web journalist might sell a movie and then take a backseat at their website – only to write one item a month or something – Clint still maintains, edits and updates the site daily. Quite frankly, I don’t know he does it… but I’m glad he does. Cheque in the mail, Clint?

”Condition Dead” update in Variety yesterday… Clint’s a producer on it, right? So can we get some dirt? – Brian

Ramius : Um, yeah, I’ll go to the sandpit in a minute and arrange that. As for information on “Condition Dead”… I know as much as you do, Patrick Lussier directing. Dave Davis writing. Epic in scale. And as of today, I have still not been asked to play a zombie. [Sigh]

Hey Adam, Marky Mark WAS in “New Kids on the Block” – he was there in the beginning, but left because of a disagreement or something. The rest is history. Research next time, OK? – Kate

Ramius : He was too busy researching the discography of BROS to look up any New Kids websites at the time. Apologies. And yes, Wahlberg was in it… with brother Donnie, but only before they “got famous”.

Fuckedde! Whjy? Can’t I just answer! You say it happen, when!? Info want now! Fuckk! I burn stuff! – Graham

Ramius : No wonder Clint needs a break from this site now and then.

hey Clint(and or Adam)
Hows it going?
Couple Q’s this week.
What’s up with ‘’Heroes’’?
Here in the states, we are having the “finale” tomorrow (Monday)…that’s like, half a season!
I know it’s probably cuz the writers strike, but any idea when it’ll come back on the air?
Or after tomorrow’s episode will it be on hiatus until the writers come back?
and my other question.
Hows the Terminator series looking?
Does it look like it’s gonna be a solid show that stays true to the movies?
The idea sounded kinda silly, untill I found out Summer Glau is going to be in it..
– Brian R.

Ramius : Firstly, to the “Heroes” question. Yeah, most likely it won’t be back on until this strike thing is settled… and nobody knows when that’s going to be, so nobody knows when “Heroes” will be back on. It’s a really sad time at the moment for TV lovers. As for the “Sarah Connor Chronicles”, I’ve seen the pilot and am glad to say it’s good. Not excellent, but rather good. The effects are good; the plot seems good (there’s a time travel element to it that feels a little out-of-place though – it’s almost “Journeyman” like), and both Glau and Lena Headey, as Sarah Connor, kick ass. I’m interested to see more.

I think I’ve guessed which “Justice League” cast member Clint is friends with…. Teresa Palmer – Tom

Ramius : Ummm, Errr, What, Er….. next question.

Hey Clint, Your favourite groupie here, the one from Kansas. I just had the BEST idea in the WORLD!!! And I couldn’t wait to share it with you. We (that being you!) should try and get our buddy HOLDEN a job as a producer or writer or 2nd unit director on the new “JUSTICE LEAGUE” MOVIE!! How about that? From what I’ve read about JL so far, Holden MIGHT be able to IMPROVE IT a bit! No thanks required. My genius is free for all. I remain a faithful viewer, – Charles in Kansas

Adam – As opposed to Charles in Charge? You know just by printing this letter, we’re gonna get 20 from Holden with new “Justice League” ideas, right? Holden in particular is going to love the new site BTW.

Hi! I just wanted to say that after watching Hammer on that episode of ‘’Desperate Housewives’’, he looks much older than 21. So although technically the age is off, I think with his voice and stature, he is going to seem much older. Especially when grouped with Gale and Common. Just a thought – trying to focus on the positive instead of all the naysaying that’s been going on all over the net. Cheers! – Susannah

Ramius : Cool, that’s good to know! Hey Naomi, did you know there have been like 5 different guys rumoured for the role of Batman in the “Justice League” movie this month alone? True. You might wanna go and abuse all five hundred websites that reported on each and every one of them. You need to take etiquette lessons from Susannah… she put everyone in their place, but did it POLITELY.

Who gives a fuck about “X-Files” anyway? – Patrick

Ramius : You said it. And for your sake, I’m glad we don’t include the person’s email address alongside the name… some cretin would no doubt be threatening to stick his cock up your dog’s ass by day’s end.

Hey Clint,

I just read your Caffeinated Clint rant on Lindsay Lohan. Here are some of my thoughts on her situation.

I sometimes wonder if people like her ever remember the reason they wanted to be in the film industry in the first place, provided the reasons were sound and sane in the first place.

I think Lindsay has taken for granted in a major way what she has been given the privelage to do. Maybe she never really cared for the profession in the first place.

Lindsay really needs to re-evaluate her reasons for staying in the film industry. If she just wants to party and make a fool of herself she can easily do that without doing acting gigs, she would still be recognised anyway.

I’m sure there are many people who are trying to get into the film industry that would love to be given the opportunities she had been given without taking it for granted and stuffing themselves up.

Where have all the sane people gone? – Rod

Ramius : I think they’re all at the unemployment office? Damn pre-requisite that you have to be “insane” to get acting work these days is ridiculous!

Just got a big laugh from Cyrus’ paranoid rant about Tom Cruise and Scientology. You might like to know that the “Cyrus” who wrote that laugh-fest is most likely Cyrus Brooks, president of the Sydney Branch of the Church of Scientology.
You might also find it amusing to know that he was busted by Media Watch a couple of years ago spearheading a phony grass-roots letter writing campaign to a buch of papers supporting Cruise’s stance on psychiatric meds: Link here
Still, it must be nice to have a nutter other than Holden writing in!
Cheers mate.
– Paul

Ramius : Great L.Ron Hubbard’s Ghost!

After reading your mailbag, I have an idea about how they could bring back Jason Statham in ‘’Crank2’’.
They could clone him 200 years from now and he could team up with Sigourney Weaver battling Jet Li and Chris Tucker in the movie that could be directed by Brett Rattner.
Please tell me I’m upstaging Holden!!!!!
– Patrick

Ramius : Considering I can’t see one Holden letter here – is it because I’m doing the Mailbag earlier in the week than usual? – you most definitely have!

You’re hot! – Maxine

Ramius : Who, me? Really? Fuckin’ bet this is another email for Clint…. He’s Married! I’m not!

I think Katie Holmes IS a part of “Tropic Thunder” – Kyle

Ramius : Yeah, I was reading that at one of those trashy gossip websites one day…. It’s a wonder Tom let her off the leash long enough to go “play”.

Any idea when “Battlestar Galactica :: Razor” will be on DVD in Australia? – Leo

Ramius : Probably not until they’ve finished airing the third season on Australian TV – it starts in two weeks on the new TEN HD Channel.

Hey Clint, what’s going on?, – Aelx

Ramius : You know what, I don’t know what he’s up to…. Let’s give him a call. Ringing…. Ringing…. Ringing. Ah, he answers! ………… [pause, pause, pause]. Seems he can’t talk at the moment… he has the ghost of Vincent Price on a conference call. DAMN FLIES!

I’ve just read Guy Davis’s interview with Nicholas Brendon and I want to say I am appalled. I am disgusted. I would think that any half-good journalist would concentrate more on the fantastic work that Nicky has done SINCE “Buffy” like “Kitchen Confidential”… and the telemovies. I expected more. – Sally

Ramius : Run along sally…. you don’t want your cousin to get a head start on you!

Clint, Guys, just wanted to say what a great job you’re doing, love Moviehole!! No questions from me! – Roger

Ramius – Ain’t that a relief?! Wow… and what a nice note to end on. Clint might actually decide to keep the site going next year, after all! (Depending on what Jeff Goldblum is doing).

Van Damme keen on Double Impact 2

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