
Natalie Portman

Moviehole caught up with Natalie Portman for a quick chat (it was cut short due to the ‘biro-stabbing’ in Hall H) about “Thor”, the upcoming Marvel superhero blockbuster, at last weekend’s Comic Con in San Diego.

Did you read Thor comics as a kid, Natalie?

I knew nothing, but quickly got up to speed.

Has it been a physically demanding role?

I had some running, but mainly the serious action is left to Thor and the Warriors Three.

Lucky you! in a lot of movies like this, the girl is there and she’s just a love interest who’s surrounded by men. Was it nice to have each other there to bring some female energy?

Absolutely. It was great to be able to highlight a female friendship and female comradery and shared scientific passion among women. And then, there’s also this great character that Jaimie Alexander plays, called Sif, and we got to work with her, too.

I love Jaimie Alexander!

She’s super-tough, yeah. So, we had a good female power on the film.

It seems like your character is really driven by something that comes from finding Thor. What is your character after in this film, and what does meeting Thor does for her?

My character is working on this theory of connecting dimensions. There was an Einstein theory, a long time ago, where you could connect dimensions through the warping of time and space. Thor obviously comes from another dimension, so he is this missing piece to her scientific inquiry. Everyone thinks she’s on the fringe of science and that she’s this kook, so this is her opportunity to prove herself.

Thinking of directing your own stuff sometime?

I directed two shorts, a couple years ago, and I hope to be doing more. It was a really great experience.

Do you have any plans to do a full-length feature?

Not right now.

There’s a rumour going around that you were offered the female lead in the American remake of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo?

Nope. I really like the books, but I’ve not been approached at all. Any of that is pure rumour.

Is there any update on the status of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies?

Yeah, we just got a new script from David O. Russell, and we’re hoping to make it this coming year, which is really exciting.

What can you say about your work in Black Swan?

The character’s name is Nina, and she’s someone who’s trying to find her own artistic voice, and she has to lose everything to gain that vision and that sense of self. It’s very hard to describe. You just have to see it.

Have you ever struggled with that, as an actress?

Of course. All of us do.

Comic Con Interview : Natalie Portman

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