New Kirk “essentially uncastable” says Shatner

“Trek” prequel has also fallen behind

Apparently J.J Abrams’ “Star Trek” movie has fallen a little behind – but no need to call Starfleet just yet.

A script for the prequel film was expected on the welcome mat of the Paramount gates at the end of October, but it never turned up.

“Well, [Robert Orci and Alex Kurtzman] are in the midst of it and it’s in progress,” director J.J Abrams told “The idea is to start shooting somewhere around [spring], otherwise we are not going to make the [release] date that they have.”

Though rumours persist that Abrams has approached William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy about reprising their roles as Kirk and Spock for the film – if even briefly – the former debunked the news, saying he’s got no plans to do it, reports

And speaking of Kirk, Abrams is said to be on the lookout for a fresh face to play the young intergalactic explorer. I was talking to Abrams’ “Alias’ star Michael Vartan today, who said you can rule him out of contention – he says the role of Kirk is just one of those roles you don’t touch. (Though he does hope to work with Abrams again in the future)

Shatner says it’s going to be a hard role for the studio to cast, telling TV Guide “I think it’s essentially uncastable.”

Jackman does Bond…

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