
Nicolas Cage to star in Con-Air sequel?

I may have spoken too soon about the one of the ‘sequels that never happened’ in that recent feature article of mine.

“Con-Air 2”.

In an interview with Coming Soon, director Simon West says he’s hoping to convince Nicolas Cage to board the Prisoner Plane one more time.

West is working with Cage on his next film “Medallion” and says he’ll make sure to speak to the actor about it, then. Though West admits it’s going to be real hard getting the cast of the 1997 actioner back together – such names as Ving Rhames, John Cusack, Danny Trejo, Steve Buscemi, John Malkovich and Dave Chappelle featured in the first film – he believes if he can convince Cage, the rest will follow. Thing is, West doesn’t need many of the cast members back… over half of them, um, died at the end of the original.

Here’s what I wrote about the once proposed “Con-Air 2” in my 50 Sequels that Never Happened article. Whether or not this is a legit storyline, let alone one they’re planning on working with, I don’t know – still, interesting.

“John Cusack was rumoured to be reprising his role as agent Vince Larkin in a sequel that, quite frankly, sounded more like a spin-off – in the same way “U.S Marshals” spun-off from “The Fugitive”. In the 15-page treatment, it’s revealed that Larkin oversees a new airport designed especially for Airplanes transferring criminals to land at. Crooks decide to make an in-air transfer onto another plane – a commercial airliner. Larkin would have to get to the rogues before they carry through on their threat to kill passengers on the flight.”

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