
Nine for the taking

Rob Marshall re-teams with The Weinstein Company

Rob Marshall will direct a remake of the cult 80s hit “Xanadu”…. Ok, no he won’t… that was just a joke for the three readers of today’s “Caffeinated Clint”…

Nope, the “Chicago” helmer is singing for The Weinstein Company’s “Nine”. Yep, it’s another Broadway show cum movie.

“Inspired by Fellini’s personal, painful, and beautiful film ‘8 1/2,'” Marshall said, “‘Nine’ is a sumptuous and emotional work that translates naturally to the film musical genre because of its seamless relationship between fantasy and reality.” He added, “Finding another musical to bring to the screen has been quite a journey and I am thrilled that it’s ‘Nine.’ Harvey and I are looking forward to working together again, and I am excited to be taking on this challenging and provocative piece.”

Harvey Weinstein stated, “Rob and I have been looking for another musical to make together ever since ‘Chicago’ and I nearly fell over with excitement when he first suggested ‘Nine.’ It’s a brilliant and timeless masterpiece, and no one can stage sexier or more dynamic numbers than Rob Marshall. Teaming up with him and the tremendous cast he’s putting together, will be something we’ve never experienced before. After the truly sensational job he did with ‘Chicago,’ I cannot think of a better filmmaker to bring this daring story to the big screen.”

I’ll have one to whatever’s showing in the cinema next door.

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