Notting Hill writer wants Roberts, Grant back for sequel

NOTTING HILL, Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant, 1999, in the movie theater

With brands meaning more than solid story lines these days, there’s a fat chance any proposed sequel will come to fruition – even if the libretto is penned on the back of a snotty Kleenex.

There’s been much talk of a sequel to “My Best Friend’s Wedding” in recent times, now, there’s the possibility that another Julia Roberts rom-com might get a tardy follow up. “Notting Hill”, the quaintly British sweet-spot starring Roberts and floppy-haired Hugh Grant, could produce a sequel – if the film’s writer gets his way.

But don’t be lining up at the multiplex just yet. The plan, at this stage, is for Anna and Will to reunite for a short film – a Red Nose day special similar to the ones writer Richard Curtis helped pull off for “Love Actually” and “Four Weddings and a Funeral”.

“I’m going to talk to Julia about it sometime soon”, Curtis said of a “Notting Hill” Red Nose Day reunion special.

51-year-old Roberts had previously downplayed the suggestion of a sequel, saying she and Grant would have to be “the parents of the people that are romcom-ing”.

Julia has said: “There came a point in my career where people thought I had turned on romantic comedies. I love them, I love to be in them, I love to watch them. But sometimes, they just don’t work at a certain point of life experience.”

“If you did that with a middle-aged couple living in Notting Hill, it would feel contrived.”

Roger Michell directed “Notting Hill”, which went on to gross a sumly $364 m.

Via ‘The Mirror

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