Nudity in Terminator DVD?

Remember – back before the MPAA awarded the film a PG-13 rating – all that talk of a ‘topless’ scene in “Terminator Salvation”? Unfortunately [pervs] it was cut, but director McG says you’ll likely find actress Moon Bloodgood in all her all glory in the ‘deleted scenes’ section of the DVD (I almost feel sorry for the pause button!).

The “Terminator” director says he filmed a short scene that “was designed to echo the Kelly McGillis/Harrison Ford scene in Witness. It was very innocent. They were 30 meters away from each other. But, at the end of the day, we all looked at it and felt, “Oh, that feels gratuitous, and feels like we’re placating the genre, and it may give people a platform to stand on, to take the film less seriously, and we don’t want that.” But, nobody pressured me to make that decision. I made that decision.”

moonMcG says if the scene ends up on the DVD you can thank actress Bloodgood.

“I suspect it will be on the DVD because Moon has a very sophisticated, third wave feminist take on why she made that choice. I’m a big fan of strong female characters, as is Jim Cameron. The strongest female characters in history have got to be Ripley, in the Alien pictures, and Sarah Connor. So, I come from a place of an empowered female position, and I think that the film tries to suggest a secondary gain of the bombs going off because there’s no more ageism, no more racism and certainly no more sexism. Everything is ability based. You know how to fix a broken leg, then go fix that broken leg. You know how to get the helicopter running, then get it running. Nobody is hung up on the minutia and ridiculousness of things that we’re hung up on today. Without ever shining a lantern on it, you’ll notice that’s very, very prevalent in our picture.”

Worthington talks Green Lantern

Holy Smokin’ Aces, is this B.A!?