One of Jim Carrey’s biggest hits could get a sequel

Albeit, on a different medium than you might expect.

With a series adaptations of his film Gattaca in the works, and a follow-up to his Nicolas Cage thriller Lord of War also in the works, filmmaker Andrew Niccol tells Screen Rant he has an idea for another film of his – The Truman Show.

Niccol co-wrote the film, which starred Jim Carrey as a man who discovers he’s actually the subject of a reality television series -one he’s never allowed to leave.

“There has been talk of doing a musical – believe it or not – or a series. When it’s a different art form, I don’t think it takes anything away from the original.

In my version of a series, I thought it would be fun, if after Truman walked through the sky, the audience clamored for more (which you sense at the end of the film). I imagine there would be a network with multiple channels all starring a subject born on the show.

If I set it in New York City, there would be girl living on the Upper East Side, a boy from Harlem, a kid from Chinatown, etc. Since they are all on their own channel and move in their own circles, they are never meant to meet.

But at the end of the first season, the boy from Harlem and the rich girl find themselves drawn to each other. They both sense that the other is acting differently from anyone they’ve ever met…because for the first time, they’ve met someone who is not acting! In the second season, the Network would desperately try to kill off their romance.”

A new 4K release of The Truman Show, set for next Tuesday, might push the idea along further if it’s successful.

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