
Paramount planting Roses

After more false starts than a Trojan-less horndog, the second sequel to 1999’s "Kiss the Girls", also based on a novel by author James Patterson, is away at pistol’s fire.

Based on another of homicide detective Alex Cross’s adventures, "Roses are Red" will pit the veteran lawman (played by Morgan Freeman in both "Girls" and "Along Came a Spider") against ‘The Mastermind’ a bankrobber whose known for holding employees or family members hostage.

According to Variety, Ben Ramsey – scribe of the forthcoming "Luke Cage" – has been hired to put the novel into screenplay form.

No word on whether Freeman will be back to reprise his role – and lets face it, after the "Million Dollar Baby" Oscar Win he’s in a position to thumbs down a couple of offers – but it’s likely.

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