Police Academy writers revealed

They’ve been talking about a third “Three Men and a Baby” since, well, ‘waiting for a Star’ to fall played in the chapel sequence in 1990’s “Three Men and a Little Lady”, but it’s only in recent times that it seems to have inched forward (strangely enough; probably something to do with Hollywood’s current obsession to dust off tried-and-proven brand names). They’ve also been talking about a new “Police Academy” movie for years – in fact, for the better part of a decade.

Steve Guttenberg and Tom Selleck are none too happy to stump the “Three Men” project to media, mentioning in near every interview they do that “Three Men and a Bride” (as the script is reportedly titled) is indeed on the way (Don’t think Ted Danson’s commented on it yet). Still, no official word from the trades on it.

The trades have, however, spoken about the “Police Academy” revival – suggesting it’ll be somewhat of a reboot, though with appearances by the original crew.

Guttenberg’s again screaming “I’m back!” in an interview over at Movie Mikes, in which he drops the names of the scribes actually behind the “Academy” script…. and it’s a worry.

David Diamond and David Weisman are working on the script, says Guttenberg.

If the names don’t sound familiar, you obviously didn’t watch the end credits of “When in Rome”, “Old Dogs” and “Dream a Little Dream 2” all the way through! Heh. Diamond and Weisman have, to be fair, penned better films the aforementioned – for instance, “The Family Man” and “Evolution” – but still, strange that they’d be hired to pen such a robust tentpole. Can only imagine they gave one hell of a pitch – able to name every drink found in the Blue Oyster, perhaps? Or maybe they know a guy who is friends with a guy who is the cousin of Tim Kazurinsky, and thinks they might be able to get him onboard that way?

Later on in the interview, Guttenberg mentions who he’d like to see play the grown-up Mary – who’d be about 21 in the film – in “Three Men and a Bride”.

”Dakota Fanning, or Miley Cyrus, or Blake Lively” would help the film become a “sure-fit hit”, says the Gute.

And I don’t doubt he’s right. In fact, with her long-linkage to Disney, I’m also betting that Ms Cyrus gets a look-in before anyone else.

Release date for Breaking Dawn Part 2

Caffeinated Clint Greats : Interview Series