
Reporter stands by Batman 3 casting claim

Despite the ass-kicking he’s getting via optic cable, the British reporter who ran with those ridiculous “Batman 3” (or “Gotham”, which is what the writer said the film would be titled) casting rumours a couple of weeks ago – Eddie Murphy as The Riddler, Shia LaBeouf as Robin, Rachel Weisz at Catwoman – is sticking to his guns, or rather, wonky report.

Despite Warner Bros publicly slamming the hard-to-believe rumours, stating that the film’s not even close to beginning its casting phase, Sun reporter Gordon Smart is still claiming there’s truth to his story.

There’s one thing going for Smart’s story – he did announce the casting of Daniel Craig as the new James Bond a wee bit before anyone else did.

“Everyone had a crack at us when we published that one,” Smart tells The Guardian. “I was almost laughed out of conference that day, but it turned out to be spot on. I wish I had had a bet on it.”

Is it possible his Batman story has an ounce of truth to it?

Fuck no! but power to the man for standing by his story.

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