
Riddick concept art, classification and shooting locale

A couple of weeks ago I took a look at the script for “Riddick”, Vin Diesel’s return to the world of ray-bans and Pitch Blackness, and you’ll recall my review weighed heavily on the positive side.

Even better news in regards to this flick, the second sequel to “Pitch Black”, with star and producer Diesel taking to his Facebook page to announce the film will be rushed into cinemas with an ‘R’ rating. In other words, violence, sex and bloody canons will ensue.

In addition, Diesel’s rewarded patient fans with some new concept art.

I hear you…

While I was working on character, the Director and his team of artists have been creating the world and style of this picture. We all know how much I enjoy concept art and storyboards, haha, I am like a kid in a candy shop.

Seeing the early stage of CGI is always fascinating to me, it is a element that usually comes together long after the filming process, so you look forward to seeing it fully realized.

First stop for the Riddick production is Canada, which is where we shot a large part of Chronicles…

P.s. I am grateful to have Universal in such support of this complex character’s journey… not many studios would back an “R” rating. Very cool.

Lots of news on “Riddick” seems to be coming forward, but what of that new “xXx” flick Diesel was said to be also doing?

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