
Rourke, Rockwell are Iron Man 2 villains

According to the trades, Mickey Rourke and Sam Rockwell are in talks to play the villains of “Iron Man 2”.

Rourke, says Variety, will play “Tony Stark’s Russian alter ego, a heavily tattooed bruiser who is in the arms trade and battles Iron Man in his own nuclear-powered armored suit.” (I believe that’s the Crimson Dynamo, the trade is referring to).

But then, The Hollywood Reporter says Rourke is playing “a tattooed Russian heavy named Ivan who becomes Whiplash, a man with deadly, technologically enhanced coils.”

Um, er, well… which is it!? Me thinks Jon Favreau best get on his MySpace page and play judge in the dick-measuring-concert the trades seem to be embroiled in.

Meantime, Rockwell, seen recently in Clark Gregg’s “Choke”, would play Justin Hammer, a multibillionaire businessman and a rival of industrialist Anthony Stark, AKA Iron Man, being played by a returning Robert Downey Jr.

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