
Rutger Hauer’s gonna suck in his next film

Rutger Hauer is a great actor. We children of the ’80s know this, having seen him put in superlative turns in the likes of “Blade Runner”, “Blind Fury”, “Ladyhawke” and of course, “The Hitcher”. Having said that, aside from Christopher Nolan (“Batman Begins”) and Robert Rodriguez (“Sin City”), who have cast the veteran thespian in their films, not enough filmmakers today are seemingly aware of the Power of Hauer.

Ostensibly disgusted at some of the drivel Hauer’s been forced to do the past few years (“Goal II : Living the Dream”, “The Hunt for Eagle One: Crash Point”, “Minotaur”, “Scorcher”, “Flying Virus”, “Turbulence 3”), filmmaker Jason Eisener cast the actor in his highly-anticipated actioner “Hobo with a Shotgun” which – anyone who has seen the original short on which the feature is based upon – looks like a lot of fun. But more than that, it’s put Hauer front row center again, back with his name above a movie title and his floating head on a one sheeter. And it hasn’t gone unnoticed.

Veteran filmmaker Dario Argento has cast the year-old actor as the title character in “Dracula 3D”, reports Twitchfilm. It’s not the first time Hauer has played Dracula, he also played the Transylvanian bloodsucker in Patrick Lussier’s “Dracula 3 : The Legacy” and also donned the plastic fangs for 1992’s “Buffy, the Vampire Slayer”.

Though it’s been a few years since Argento gave us anything “Suspira” good, the anointment of Hauer as his Dracula sure possesses exciting possibilities.

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