
Shatner, Nimoy & Stewart back on Enterprise!?

He’s not talking (and in fact, the only time he does is when I see a film before he does – sorry, private joke), sent him a message last night, but online scuttlebutt has it that Robert Meyer Burnett might finally be prepping his highly-hankered-for “Free Enterprise” sequel.

“Free Enterprise”, of course, was a 1998 comedy about two young filmmakers (Rafer Weigel, Eric McCormack) whose dreams are meekly crushed when they discover William Shatner (appearing as himself in the film) is nothing like alter ego, Captain Kirk. The film encompassed some great cameos, oodles of terrific in-jokes, and a very, very funny performance by Shatner.

I know Burnett – who co-wrote and directed the original flick (which has become somewhat of a cult hit on DVD – has long desired to do a sequel… I just didn’t know it had as inched as far forward as Bill Shatner says it has!

The Shat tells, “Free Enterpriseā€¦remember the film? Well we are doing a sequel, Free Enterprise 2. So they have got me involved in some fun stuff. And I will be shooting that in the next month or so.”

Yep, first we’d heard of it too. Sure you haven’t got your dates mixed up, Bill? If not, way to keep a secret, Rob!

I mean, Burnett had mentioned that with the bravura success of J.J Abrams’ “Star Trek” last year that he expected there might be renewed interest in his Trek-ode “Free Enterprise 2” – but since we hadn’t heard anything in a while (“Trek” was a good 12 months ago now), I personally assumed the “FE” ship had been docked. Not so, it seems. And we can only speculate that it’s indeed that film, and the resurgence of the “Trek” brand, that’s led to the writer/director finding the coin to do said film. Personally, can’t wait! (Can only imagine they’ve written some great gags in there about Shatner being left out of Abrams’ “Trek” reboot!).

Burnett has hinted in recent days that Eliza Dushku (“Dollhouse”, “Buffy, the Vampire Slayer”) might also have a role in the film, whilst Isaiah Mustafa (from the ‘Old Spice’ commercials) mentioned on G4’s Attack of the Show that he’s snagged a role in the film. Fans will likely be much more excited by /film’s news that Patrick Stewart (the ‘other’ Enterprise captain) could be joining Shatner in the film.

If true, nice cast – Shatner, Duzhsku, Shatner and….

In a 2005 interview, Burnett said the sequel would fix on Mark and Rob having to seek Leonard Nimoy’s assistance in locating Shatner, who has disappeared. Yep, Spock and Kirk back together!

“We’ve yet to approach Mr. Nimoy, but Shatner said he could get him to be in the movie,” Burnett told Starbase 972 via Trek Today. “I wouldn’t want to make it without him. In the original draft of the script, Nimoy finds Shatner at the top of Masada, in a secret base, studying to be a Rabbi. To get him to come back to the states, the Orthodox Nimoy then goes head to head with Shatner in a battle to see who knows more about Old Testament scripture. If Shatner wins, he’ll stay and finish his teachings, hiding forever from the real world. If Nimoy wins, he’ll haul Shatner back to Las Vegas to perform Rob’s wedding ceremony at the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas.”

Now that would be great! Though Shatner and Stewart of course shared the screen in 1995’s “Star Trek : Generations”, Nimoy opted out of that one – so the three of those guys have yet to work together at the same time. Wet. Very wet.

More as we hear it – in other words, I await your email Robert!

John C.Reilly

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