
Snake chases Goofy Baldwin

A bit of Christmas giggle. Dark Horizons received word on Stephen Baldwin’s next flick, “Snake King”. “The story takes place in Amazon, but it is actually being shot in Bahia. According to the script a group of scientists come to Brazil trying to find a secret tribe that holds a dangerous treasure: a giant seven- head snake! Yes, and to top that, all the indians from this secret tribe are played by white actors with a cat like costume and make up. The crew seemed very amateur (they are using a lot of locals). At one point the reporter asked the make up artist about the origin of the strange make up and he said: "I was inspired by that Brazilian tribe, the… the… well the name starts with C…" One of the actors that plays one of the indians said that the language they speak does not exist and that they make it up every time they have to say something.” The scooper says that in February, the same crew would return to shoot another movie; this one’s called “The Shark Man”. Priceless.

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