
Spotnitz talks X-Files 3

My wife should really be the one writing up this item, being the “X-Files” nut she is, but alas, she’s too busy sketching a charcoal portrait of The Cigarette Smoking Man to be bothered.

So here I go, Mr. Doesn’t know his Billy Myles from his Samantha-Mulders..

Series EP Frank Spotnitz, also the scribe of this Summer’s “X-Files : I Want to Believe”, informs the ‘x-philes’ and ‘shippers’ on that a third and final film is defnitely something he’d be keen to do – so long as the studio supports it (what!? he doesn’t want to cash in his superannuation and life insurance policy to finance it himself?).

And Spotnitz already has the story.

“As you know the date of December 2012 is an important one in The X-Files, and I’d like to focus on that.”

So make that another movie about the end of the world and alien colonization in 2012.

Spotnitz says there’s will be a totally different film than Roland Emmerich’s ID4-esque “2012” so he doesn’t see the latter, starring John Cusack and Danny Glover, as any kind of threat or competition.

“They won’t be directly in competition as they are very different genres.”

As I – and my Duchovny-luvin Mrs – understand it, Fox and everyone involved in the franchise are waiting to see how many copies of the “I Want to Believe” DVD and Blu-Ray sell before they start pouring money (and hopefully a little more than they donated towards the last film) into the next movie sequel. Makes sense, considering how many bites Batman took out of Billy Connolly’s shady priest this past year.

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