
Star Wars Trilogy Blu-Ray Announced

Hey Gang,

Hold onto your lightsabers, all you midi-chlorian infused Morris’s! (Okay, so I’m sure Clint’s not the only one that’ll be smiling from ear to ear after reading this bit)

Here at Celebration V this weekend, George Lucas (and smooching siblings Mark ‘Luke’ Skywalker and Carrie ‘Leia’ Fisher) confirmed recent rumors that the original “Star Wars” trilogy is getting the Blu-ray treatment. Episodes 4-6 are reportedly hitting the streets Fall 2011.

At an one-stage session moderated by Jon Stewart, Lucas was asked when we might expect the Blu-Ray releases of the Jar Jar Binks-less trilogy.

“I wish I could say it was coming out this year,” said Lucas, “but it will come out next year.”

Lucas said, not surprisingly, that these are the ‘Special Editions’ not the original ‘Theatrical Cuts’.

“Releasing the originals is kind of an oxymoron because the quality of the original is not very good. You have to go through and do a whole restoration on it, and you have to do that digitally. It’s a very, very expensive process to do it. So when we did the transfer to digital, we only transferred really the upgraded version.”

Among the various extras planned for the Blu-ray releases : documentaries, interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and several deleted scenes – including one previewed at Celebration V.

In the clip, Skywalker builds his new ‘green’ lightsaber in the lead-up to his invasion of Jabba the Hutt’s Palace. The clip is played ominous, with Skywalker donning cloak and his face immersed in shadow, making his intentions unclear.

“I had the black cloak, the glove, and I thought, wow, this time around I get to be the antagonist. Little did I know I was predicting the path of the prequels,” Hamill said at the event.

Here’s the scene in question :

Oh wait, that’s not it!! This is it…

Tomorrow, Carrie Fisher takes the stage.

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