
Steve Carell’s End of the World movie looks terrific!

Nothing like a good end-of-days flick : whether it’s “Independence Day”, “Miracle Mile”, “2012”, “Melancholia”… one always gets pleasure from seeing our fellow peoples make the most of their remaining hours, or days, or whatever said producer has decided on time-wise, on Earth.

The Steve Carell-Keira Knightley flick “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World” isn’t anywhere near as grim as the films typed in that first sentence. It’s a comedy about a man who, upon hearing the world is ending in a couple of days time, goes off on a road trip to reunite his highschool girlfriend. Keira Knightley is playing the neighbour who decides to tag along on the journey. Film looks as funny as one would expect with Carrell headlining, but it also looks somewhat touching – in the same way the actor’s “Crazy Stupid Love” was. Both ends of the lollipop – syrupy sweet, tough and chewy! nice.

Thinking we have a winner here on machine number 41, Jem.

Casting Roundup : Michelle, Plummer, Fischer, Cusack, Giamatti, Barkin, Osment…

George Lucas : Greedo always shot first, not Han Solo!