Strange But True review : Constantly Surprising

They don’t make them like they use to — so director Rowan Athale’s latest makes the most of being the lone cub on the plain.

A welcome excursion from the more poppy offerings currently on offer, this story-first adaptation of John Searle’s compelling 2004 book delivers as both a moody, constantly-surprisingly drama and powerhouse showcase for its ensemble – with Amy Ryan the MVP.

Part supernatural spookfest, part character drama, “Strange But True” poses the headline-ripper – what if a woman suddenly turned up and declared she’s carrying the child of your deceased son?

Could go either way, that yarn, but in a capable helmer’s hand it holds attention.

Much of the credit goes to Athale, who applies the same skill and visual imagination to the libretto here as he did his own “Wasteland” (2012).

If Eric Garcia’s screenplay was the edible but plain toast, Director Athale’s direction is the honey spread upon it – a condiment that adds style, richness and depth to perhaps just another movie.

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