
Strong talks Sherlock Holmes

Though Latino Review have already revealed who Mark Strong is playing in Guy Ritchie’s ”Sherlock Holmes”, the actor did have a couple of other interesting tidbits to tell the British press this week – like, for instance, that the character of Moriarty will hardly even be in the film.

Here’s our British correspondent ‘Charley’

Mark Strong was on BBC Radio 2 today discussing his role in Guy Ritchie’s ‘Rock N Rolla’. the UK’s most sought after and truly versatile actor stated he will be in Ritchie’s movie follow-up ‘Sherlock Holmes’ with Robert Downey Jr. Strong, (whose new fans should definitely buy the box set of ‘Our Friends in the North’) said he’ll be playing the main villain called Lord Blackwood. The interviewer, Steve Wright, asked isn’t Professor Moriarty the villain of the piece? Strong responded by saying Moriarty is in it, but he’s not in it much. Expect a series of Ritchie-helmed Holmes’ pictures too, with Strong indicating ‘everything’s a franchise these days.

Shouldn’t be long before they announce who’s playing Moriarty.

Caffeinated Clint – 8/9/08

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