
Swayze returning for Point Break 2?

Did Bodhi survive the Killer Wave?

This is likely a made-up bit of fluff, but according to this site Patrick Swayze will be asked back to reprise the role of ‘Bodhi’ in the recently announced “Point Break” sequel…. if he feels up to it.

Hmmm. While it is known that, despite his condition, Swayze is continuing to work whilst being treated for that bastard Pancreatic cancer, previous reports suggested this was essentially an ‘in-name only’ sequel – something that’d fix on new characters, new scenarios. A ‘Bodhi’ cameo might make sense, and it might even be fun, but it doesn’t seem

Then again… there was a time when Swayze was apparently in talks to do the sequel.

The script has since changed, but the first draft of “Point Break 2”, written by Peter Illif, did feature the character of Bodhi.

In 2007 Illif told Time Out that, “We’re following the character of the first film, Bodhi. His mates were all killed, and he had a choice: you can go to jail or you can have an honourable death of suicide by wave. And, of course, he survives. And he would flee off the grid to somewhere like Indonesia, which is the last frontier of surfing, and he would create a life here.”

In the same interview, Illif mentions he’s been in discussions with Swayze.

Is he still? Guess time will tell.

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