
Terminator 4 details revealed

What will it be called? Who will Star? Is there a Director?

Both series’ fans and Oak buffs are waiting anxiously to hear what Halycon’s plans for the new “Terminator” is – will it feature a Schwarzenegger cameo? (doubtful, me thinks); will it follow the events of the last movie or jump ahead in time?; will any of the supporting cast from the previous films return?; and is there any truth to the rumours that Rachel Weisz and Chloe Sevigny are ‘battling’ it out to play the new femme-bot in the movie? Though only a couple of those questions were answered, James Middleton, consulting producer on the new FOX TV series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles helped IGN Movies paint a clearer picture of the new movie.

At this present time –
• No director is attached
• The characters of John Connor and Kate Brewster do appear in the script though it’s not known whether Nick Stahl or Clare Danes will reprise their roles from “Rise of the Machines”; that may come down to who the director wants.
• It won’t be called “Terminator 4” but more so something like “Terminator : Blah, Blah, Blah” sans a number.
• It will follow the events of “Terminator 3” and be set in a post-apocalyptic world.
• The movie will feature a new hero as the main character. Middleton likened it to how “Ben-Hur was influenced by Jesus Christ, but it was his story. Much in that way, this character will be influenced by John Connor.”
• It’s planned to be the first of three new “Terminator” movies, all of them set in this post-apocalyptic future and showing the war with the machines.
• Halcyon would like to be in pre-production in October with an eye towards a 2009 release.

So that should hold you over until they announce the director; cast and whether or not those Edward Furlong rumours – some sites have pegged me as returning to the role of John Connor – are BS.

Thanks to ‘AB King’


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