
Terminator : Rise of the Marsupial !

Christian “Batman” Bale joins “Terminator Salvation”

I’m beginning to have a little more faith in the movies. Until about a month ago I was ready to throw in the towel and dust off my titty tassels and return to the stage to shake my cushion – that was until I saw “Waitress”, “3:10 to Yuma” and “No Country for Old Men”, three movies that reminded me that there are some smart fucks still out there in Hollywoodland.

And though four of five good movies in a year isn’t much, it’s still something… especially considering how tough it was for me a few weeks back to come up with 2007’s ‘Top 10 Films’ for the magazines I write for – I didn’t even have 10 films I liked, let alone loved! What was I going to do? What, I was going to whack “Rob Zombie’s Halloween” and “Blades of Glory” at 7 and 8 just to make up the numbers? No need to worry now… I believe I have 10 – all thanks to those ‘last minute release schedule additions’.

2008 is looking a little bit better than this year – especially when it comes to Blockbusters. “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” is bound to make any lemon er, juice; “The Dark Knight”, I predict, will be the film to beat though; and “Rambo” is going to be ‘bloody’ good fun. We had just as many blockbusters this year, but the word was pretty much out on all of them early that they stunk – whereas early write-ups on films like “Rambo” have already pegged it an instant action classic. And I can’t see “Dark Knight” turning out bad either.

It really is the return of the iconic 80’s action character next year.

The Terminator is returning too.

And whenever someone asks me what the new “Terminator” movie is going to be like, (a rather stupid question – – I mean, did I write the script? Am I producing it? Am I playing John Connor’s new foster dad in the flick? No, I read what you read!) I’ve said, up till now, that a) McG is directing it b) it doesn’t have Arnold Schwarzenegger in it c) Not even Clare Danes is interested in doing it… doesn’t that tell you everything?

But maybe it doesn’t tell you everything. Maybe you shouldn’t have asked me. And maybe I was wrong when I said, in no few words, that it’d blow balls. And how nice it is to be wrong.

Christian Bale only signs up to quality films – “3:10 to Yuma”, “Rescue Dawn”, “Batman Begins”, “The Machinist”. All solid flicks.

You can now add “Terminator Salvation – The Future Begins” to his upcoming slate.

Yep, the Batman in a fuckin’ “Terminator” movie! Rock on Joan Jett!

Yep, Eddie Furlong can finally load the bullets in the pistol… because rumours suggesting he was going to be asked back to reprise his “T2” version of John Connor was ostensibly spurious. Bale, who told me once that he’d like to play James Bond one day too, has been asked to play futuristic rebel leader Connor in the flick. And don’t that just wanna make you jump up and down and let ya titties wobble?

I love this bit of casting news, it’s enough to get me jazzed about the film now – I couldn’t have given two shits before. Now I need tissues. As I said, no Schwarzenegger… no Terminator as far as I’m concerned. But there must be something pretty special about the script… because Bale doesn’t seem to be the kind of actor that merely signs up for stuff for money… his heart has to be in it.

Now this is where things get interesting – Harry at Aint it Cool News is the one that’s saying Bale is playing John Connor. But over at CHUD, my friend Devin Feraci has heard that he might actually be playing the new ‘Terminator’… someone new to the series.

I do know that John Connor is in the script, so it’s possible that Bale is playing that part (and I think that suits him a little more than playing a robot), but on the other hand, it wouldn’t surprise me if the producers did coax him into being the new Terminator – they were, I hear, after a big star (Vin Diesel’s name was mentioned once) to fill Arnie’s shoes, and Bale is climbing up the Forbes’ list rather fast.

Whatever the case, Bale is the star of “Terminator 4” – and it’s now a film that’s been taken from my ‘nah, fuck that’ list to the ‘hell yeah, I wanna see this’ list.

There will be Waters in Seven Days

Jackman didn’t get 007, but he still gets a ‘Q’