
The Sundance kid has Enemies

Redford doing Richard A.Clark’s best-selling memoir

One of the last remaining legends of cinema, Robert ‘Bob’ Redford will helm ‘’Against All Enemies,” an adaptation of Richard A. Clarke’s best-selling memoir, says The Hollywood Reporter.

Capitol Films is financing the feature, picking up the project from Columbia, which had put it into turnaround. Originally, Paul Haggis (“Crash”) was interested in directing it.

“Enemies” chronicled how the Bush administration handled the al-Qaida threat before and after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Clarke, a former U.S. terrorism czar, offered the ultimate insider’s account into the nation’s security apparatus, featuring a cast of power brokers including President Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Clarke.

The book was published in March 2004 by Free Press and hit No. 1 on the New York Times best-seller list, fueling intense criticism over the administration’s security failures and its decision to go to war with Iraq.

It’s gonna take patience and time, to do it right now..

Knight Rider back on TV!