
Watchmen crowd bringing Mass Effect to Cinemas

I’m the last person that really should be writing news items concerning video games being adapted for the screen – I don’t play them. Not to say I haven’t played the odd pinball machine or arcade game as a youngster, and not to say I didn’t own a console (I had both an Atari and a MegaDrive growing up; I also remember playing quite a few “Star Wars” games on my PC), but I’m so out of the loop when it comes to video games these days that I struggle to even form an opinion when it comes to a news item such as this. Heck, I couldn’t even tell you the last game I played (I had a stab at the “Ghostbusters” video-game for the WII, but that hardly counts since I likely spent about five minutes on it before becoming frustrated by it and returning to read a book – shit, I sound like a knitting grandma!). I did love me some “Mortal Kombat” and “Sonic the Hedgehog” though.

There’s this game called “Mass Effect”. It’s apparently big. And I think I’ve seen commercials for it. Never played it. Anyway, that’s the next one they’re bringing to the big screen. Legendary Pictures (“Watchmen”) and the Arad’s (Ari, Ari) are shepherding the film production, tapping “Thor” scribe Mark Protosevich to pen.

Warner Bros (who, by the way, now owns the rights to the “Mortal Kombat” series) will co-finance and distribute.

To learn more about the game, I suggest you read someone other than me.

Pacino as Frank Sinatra, De Niro as Dean Martin
