
Watts up with Ring 3 and Birds?

Naomi may do one of those

So Dreamworks have opted against rushing in and doing a “Ring 3” – English language one – after all, hey?

Talking to Bloody Disgusting, Producer Roy Lee says he’s decided to put it off for a while.

I’ll tell exactly what’s happened here. Naomi Watts passed on “the Ring 3” when she was presented with about eighteen months back. She just wasn’t interested. And you can’t blame her – there’s nothing for her there anymore. The first film did wonders for her career, but she’s much more established now… she doesn’t need to be starring in slipshod ghost movies.

As Lee tells the site, they’re going to introduce a new set of characters in “The Ring 3” – when it gets going, which I’m guessing, won’t be for a few years or until Watts gets desperate : whichever occurs first.

Speaking of Naomi, I see there’s movement on “The Birds” remake. What’s she got to do with this, you ask? Well, she’s the gal they want to fill the shoes of the Tippi Hedren character. Will she do it? Again, she doesn’t need to do stuff like this…. So I doubt it, but she has taken a meeting.

Platinum Dunes’ Brad Puller tells Coming Soon that “No actor or actress is going to commit to everything with a script. We’ve sat down with her and conceptually I think we all want to make the same movie, but until we have a script and a director, I think it’s a little premature. But, we’ll all talk and she’s who we’d like to have as the lead.”

Fuller added you can expect a new announcement soon. “In the next two weeks, or the next week or so I think they’ll announce it because they’re starting to talk about a new writer to come on and write that. It definitely feels like it’s moving.”

Need those two movies about as much as a laxative when I’ve got the shits.

Stranger Than Fiction (DVD)

Flash a-ah!