
Who’s directing Green Lantern?

The Inland Empire has Struck Back with a look at the storyline for the upcoming Green Lantern movie today.

Robert (he being big boss man at IESB) says the script is shit-hot – heck, it even features cameos from some other DC heroes like Superman!  (Nothing like a good cross-over in my opinion – the whole “Picket Fences/Chicago Hope” thing was pretty dang exciting, hey!? Wood – or what!? OK, don’t answer that!).

But more so, writers Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim and Michael Green have gotten the character of the title character right (and how could they not? One of the guys is named ‘Green’ for shit’s sake!?).

‘’Also, unlike other recent superhero movies, this Green Lantern story has science fiction elements such as visiting other planets and major space battles”, writes Robert, adding that the film has the potential to be “bigger” than both “The Dark Knight” and “Iron Man”.

Oh, and who is going to direct the flick? The site says they’ve heard that George Miller – who may or may not have recently been fired from the troubled “Justice League” project – may be in talks.

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