
Who’s Who in Cabin Fever 2?

Some updates on the sequel to the Eli Roth hit

Associate of mine is going up for a role in Lionsgate’s “Cabin Fever 2 : Spring Fever”, so thought I’d share with you guys what I know.

It ain’t much.

I can tell you that the lead characters they’re looking to cast are :
John – A high school senior, smart, articulate, loyal to his best friend Alex.
Alex – A high school senior, outgoing, somewhat irrepressible, a bit mischievious, Alex is John’s best friend, who urges John to take advantage of Cassie’s newly single state to ask her to go to the prom with him.
Cassie – A beautiful high school senior, sweet, smart, a bit naive when it comes to guys but unexpectedly strong when she needs to be.

There are rumours that Rider Strong and Guiseppe Andrews are reprising their roles from the first film; but the whispers are fourth-hand, so take them with a grain of salt.

Ti West (“The Roost”) directs.

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