Will Smith feeling the Fury?

Bruno hasn’t got the role after all

Looks like the formerly rumoured Bruce Willis will be without-a-call-back on this one. A Man in Black is who Marvel’s now eyeing.

According to IGN FilmForce, Will Smith is now rumoured to be inheriting the cigar and patch of “Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D”. in the forthcoming Marvel Studios flick.

Marvel is basing the character on the ‘ultimates’ version of the character, rather than the traditional character, hence the latent casting of Smith.

Set-up at Paramount, the movie tells of Marvel comic character, Nick Fury, the director of an international espionage organization called S.H.I.E.L.D, who are constantly going up against rogues like the wicked Hydra.

Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, Fury first appeared in the comic “Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos” in May 1963. The eye-patched adorned, cigar-chompin hero was later transformed into a James Bond type.

‘Fury’ first hit the screen in 1998, as a lacklustre David Hasselhoff vehicle. The rework is due for release in 2007, at the earliest.

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