
Will Whedon direct X-Men 4?

Responds to the rumours

Apparently – haven’t heard it myself – there’s a rumour floating around that former (I say former because he parted ways with the project and its bearded gatekeeper) “Wonder Woman” writer Joss Whedon is going to write “X-Men 4”.

The “Buffy” tells Wizard Magazine, “I haven’t heard the rumor, but there is no rumor that is not swirling. I don’t even know, are they even going to have an “X4”? I had been talking with [Marvel Studios] about “X3,” but the dates didn’t line up. So I took on “Wonder Woman,” and that worked out great! Oh, no wait, I remember now, not so much.

“Yeah, I haven’t heard anything about “X4.” You know, the problem with the big superhero movies is there are so many hands [involved], but I really respect [Marvel Studios President of Production] Kevin Feige if they make something like that. You know they’re actually going to make it as opposed to something that’s in limbo. And you know I do love the characters. I wouldn’t say never. But right now, I’m interested in doing “Goners,” which is my own thing, as opposed to somebody else’s. I find that doing someone else’s thing is not working out so well for me—anywhere but in the word of actual comics.”

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